I.D.: 107312683

MotorGenerator – SE Integrator

Druh zákazky
Dátum publikovania
Typ oznámenia:
Obchodná príležitosť (všetky postupy)
CPV kódy
31120000 31100000 31122000 31161000 31161300 45220000 71320000
Lehota na predkladanie cenovej ponuky:
31.01.25 12:00
Miesto dodania:
Žilinský kraj
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  • Poznámky
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  • Preposlať
The subject of this tender is to supply two new synchronous MotorGenerators (MG) capable of operating at variable speeds, each of which will be fed by a full-size frequency converter. Overall, this involves the modernization of two existing ternary units (TG1 and TG2) to enable variable speed operation with the implementation of a full-size frequency converter and a variable speed synchronous MotorGenerato...
The subject of this tender is to supply two new synchronous MotorGenerators (MG) capable of operating at variable speeds, each of which will be fed by a full-size frequency converter. Overall, this involves the modernization of two existing ternary units (TG1 and TG2) to enable variable speed operation with the implementation of a full-size frequency converter and a variable speed synchronous MotorGenerator. The benefit of such modernization lies in the ability to enable pump power control range and to extend the range of turbine power control.
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